Supported projects since January 2025

Unpacking Failure Modes of Generative Robot Policies

Prof. Dr. Matthias Althoff
Technische Universität München
Informatik 6 - Lehrstuhl für Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz und Echtzeitsysteme

Christopher Agia
Stanford University
Interactive Perception and Robot Learning Lb, Department of Computer Science

Fundamental Exploration of Symmetry Breaks on Next-Generation 2D Hybrid Materials

Prof. Dr. Johannes Barth
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Physik E20

Dr. Alexander Weber-Bargioni
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Molecular Foundry

Digital characterization of gait patterns in individuals with mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease

PD Dr. Heiko Gassner
Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Department of Molecular Neurology

Dr. Johannes Schlachetzki
University of California, San Diego
Department of Neurosciences

Biofabrication of anisotropic structures for in vitro tissue models

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Groll
University of Würzburg
Department of Functional Materials in Medicine and Dentistry

Prof. Dr. Sarah Heilshorn
Stanford University
Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Large Language Models (LLM) in Palliative and End-of-Life Care

Prof. Dr. Christoph Ostgathe
Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Department of Palliativ Care

MD Karl Lorenz
Stanford University
School of Medicine - Center for Innovation to Implementation(Ci2i)

Magnetic and Bond Order Frustration Driving Novel Quantum States in LnCd3P3 Compounds

Prof. Dr. Christian Pfleiderer
Technische Universität München
Physik-Department E21 - Experimental physics

Prof. Dr. Stephen Wilson
University of California, Santa Barbara
Materials Department

Sustainable computational methods and adaptive algorithms for GPU-accelerated climate and weather impact prediction

Prof. Dr. Michael Schlottke-Lakemper
University of Augsburg
Chair of High-Performance Scientific Computing

Prof. Frank Giraldo
Naval Postgraduate School - NPS
Department of Applied Mathematics

Machine-learning accelerated simulation pipeline for Li-ion battery electrolytes

Prof. Dr. Christopher J. Stein
Technische Universität München
School of Natural Science

Prof. Dr. Bingqing Cheng
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Chemistry

HMOs and HTLV-1: Impact of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) on human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) mother-to-child transmission

PD Dr. Dr. Andrea Thoma-Kress
Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Virologisches Institut

Prof. Dr. Lars Bode
University of California, San Diego
Department of Pediatrics, Human Milk Institute